Thursday, September 30, 2004

Partnerships for Peace, Human Rights, and Development

Thursday, Sep-30-2004

Partnerships for Peace, Human Rights, and Development

Kim Holmes, Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of International Organizational Affairs

Both the US and the UN have faced criticisms -- the US for its unilateral activities abroad, and the UN for its inefficiency. Kim Holmes oversees US policy with the United Nations, the UN's specialized agencies, and other international organizations. Holmes will discuss the many challenges of working to maintain strong historical ties between the US and the UN and their partnership for peace, human rights, and development.

Check In: 5:30 PM, Program 6:00 PM,

Members: Free, Nonmembers: $12, Students with ID: $5 Cosponsors: $7

Location: At the Council, 312 Sutter Street, 2nd floor Conference Room, San Francisco

Cosponsored by the Georgetown Club of Northern California and the United Nations Association